niedziela, 24 października 2021

Notes on the first assignment

 Okay, a little late, but for your first assignment, here's some advice and guidance.

First, I'm extending the deadline to  October 28, at 20.00.

First translate sentence by sentence. You may occasionally turn two or more sentences in the original into one sentence in Polish. Alternately you may occasionally break up one sentence in the original into two or more sentences.

Be aware that after you are done the result won't look too much like a well-formed Polish text. Don't worry about that at this stage.

When you are done, post the assignment at the address below the fold (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').

Make sure your last name and group number are at the top of your assignment. Just dump it at the top of the page (below the notice at the top of the page).


Here's where you should post your assignment.

Here it is again: 

 Please note that I periodically harvest assignments from that link, so don't panic if you  go back and it's not there.

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