poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019

Homework assignment for the break! YAY!

There's a homework assignment! Yay! Hooray!!!!

The deadline is May 10, 22.00.

There are two parts to the assignment.

First. Translate this text (use the same formatting).

Second. In the same document, in either Polish or English, present your analysis of the text. Take into account format, plot elements, literary devices (symbolism, metaphor, alliteration, rhythm, voice) and whatever else you notice. NB There's more going on in the text than you might think at first.

This second part should be between 1/2 and one full page (translator's page: 1800 characters with spaces).

Name the document: YOUR-LAST-NAME Elektra, for example "Kowalski Elektra".

Enjoy the assignment!

środa, 3 kwietnia 2019

Homework assignment due April 09, 2019!!!

There's a homework assignment! Yay! Hooray!!!!

There are two parts to the assignment.

First. Translate this text (use the same formatting).

Second. In the same document, in either Polish or English, present your analysis of the text. Take into account format, plot elements, literary devices (symbolism, metaphor, alliteration, rhythm, voice) and whatever else you notice.

This second part should be between 1/2 and one full page (translator's page: 1800 characters with spaces).

Name the document: YOUR-LAST-NAME Before and after, for example "Kowalski Before and after".

Enjoy the assignment!

wtorek, 2 kwietnia 2019