środa, 18 marca 2020

Class Materials for March 18, 2020

For this week, look at these notes for last week's assignment.

Then re-examine your texts and make any changes you feel might work. Resend your new translation with a discussion (a half page or so in Polish or English) of the changes you made or changes you wish you thought about but decided to leave (or things you'd like to change, but can't for whatever reason).

The deadline is March 24, 2020 by 19.00.

Take care and stay healthy!

Programming note: Delay

I've been a little behind and so this week's material will be posted by 18.00 today.

Thank you for your patience!

Take care and stay healthy!

środa, 11 marca 2020

Class assignment for March 11, 2020

 Quick clarification: I don't know what happened with the date mix up. I probably was first thinking of Friday and Sunday as potential deadlines at different times.
To solve this I'm extending the deadline to Sunday (March 15, 2020) at 20.00.

Okay, here is the assignment.

The deadline is Friday (March 15, 2020) by 20.00.

Comments (and a new assignment) will be posted next Wednesday (March 18, 2020) by 15.00.

Take care and stay healthy!

wtorek, 10 marca 2020

Classes Suspended: Keep track of materials with this blog!

As you probably know, classes are suspended through March 24, 2020.

During that time, keep following this blog for updates on materials.

I will post this week's assignment tomorrow by 15.00 and further assignments will be posted each week.

Until classes start again,

Take care and stay healthy!