środa, 20 maja 2020

Class Assignment for May 20, 2020

A bit late, but here it is (parts of a couple of famous scenes and slightly edited).

Since it's Polish to English I'll give you more time for the deadline so send it to me by 20.00 June 02 (the day before we resume in person classes - if everything goes according to plan).

Remember the format for subtitles!

As always, take care and stay healthy (and masked in public!)

środa, 6 maja 2020

Class Assignment for May 06, 2019

Okay, it's time to translate some subtitles!

Here's the script.

Here's some info on the show.

Here's a guide on some of the conventions of subtitles.

Here's the episode (the scene starts at around 15:25). The video quality is very, very bad but it's what I could get. The subtitle script has been edited slightly for the purposes of the assignment.

Deadline is May 12, 2020 by 20.00

As always, take care and stay safe!