środa, 29 kwietnia 2020

Class Materials for April 29, 2020

Two things:

First, here are some notes on the various forms of audio-visual translation used in Europe.

Second, a recommendation.

The Czech TV comedy series "Dabing Street" is set in 2001 in a struggling Czech dubbing studio. There's lots of distinctive Czech humor and a number of scenes take place while dubbing movies.

It's available on a couple of... non-regulation TV sites, with Polish subtitles (ironically enough).

Highly recommended.

As always, take care and stay healthy!

środa, 8 kwietnia 2020

Translation assignment for April 08, 2020

For this week, here is the assignment.

Due to the holiday (and the fact that this is from Polish to English) I'll give you two weeks to do the assignment, so the deadline will be Tuesday April 21, 2020 by 20.00.

But do check the page next week as there will be some important info there as well.

As always, take care and stay healthy!

(and have a Happy Easter!)

środa, 1 kwietnia 2020

Class Materials for April 01, 2020

First, this document contains some information on the last text and my answers to the questions. Become acquainted with it.

Then re-examine your texts and make any changes you feel might work. Resend your new translation with a discussion (a half page or so in Polish or English) of the changes you made or changes you wish you thought about but decided to leave (or things you'd like to change, but can't for whatever reason).

The deadline is 20.00, April 07, 2020.

Take care and stay healthy!