niedziela, 24 października 2021

Notes on the first assignment

 Okay, a little late, but for your first assignment, here's some advice and guidance.

First, I'm extending the deadline to  October 28, at 20.00.

First translate sentence by sentence. You may occasionally turn two or more sentences in the original into one sentence in Polish. Alternately you may occasionally break up one sentence in the original into two or more sentences.

Be aware that after you are done the result won't look too much like a well-formed Polish text. Don't worry about that at this stage.

When you are done, post the assignment at the address below the fold (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').

Make sure your last name and group number are at the top of your assignment. Just dump it at the top of the page (below the notice at the top of the page).


środa, 6 października 2021

First Assignment: Due October 12, 14 2021

 Here is the first assignment.

You can do it one of two ways (choice is up to you).

You can print it, fill it in and bring it to class next week (October 12, 14 2021).

Or you can type in answers, print it and bring it to class next week (October 12, 14 2021).

I will be collecting them so you do need to print it and bring it to class.


poniedziałek, 4 października 2021

First Post of the Year! (Third Year Translation)

Welcome to the blog for Third Year Translation!

You should check the contents each week the night before class (by 19.00).

Assignments will be posted and other announcements will be made here (and on teams).

Looking forward to the coming year!