środa, 10 marca 2021

After Class Links and New Assignment!

Here are the notes from last week and this week (intro to audiovisual translation).

Here is your assignment.

Students can work on this by themselves or in groups of two (2) or three (3).

The deadline is March 19, 2021 at 20.00 (link below the jump, click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').

Here is a guide for what to translate and how to translate it.

Here is a link with some information on the original.

Here is a link to a video of the original (the relevant part begins at about 15:25).

 Bring any questions/problems you might have to next week's class (March 17, 2021).

Here is a link to post your translation (remember to include name(s) and group number).

Here is another link:



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