wtorek, 22 listopada 2022

Class Materials for November 23-29, 2022

For this week, we will be going over your group reports on the translations of the text about ghost stories.

You should either:

a) have your presentation on a pendrive

b) send me you presentation by email ahead of time

c) send me your presentation through teams (before 12.00 on the 23rd, the night before for the 29th).

One representative of each group will present your comments on the translation for 5-10 minutes.

The presentation should concentrate on:

a) things that you like in the translation, especially solutions that you like (different from your own),

b) that's that you don't like (and try to explain why),

c) mistakes (try to explain what kind of mistake you think it is, being too literal or misunderstanding the original.

You may make your presentation in either Polish or English.

For reference:

The original text.

The document with all the student versions.

 See y'all in class!


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