środa, 3 maja 2023

Submission of translation and Class on May 09! (yes class on May 09, 2023!)

First, below the jump (click where it says 'czytaj więcej') is the site to submit your translation of 'Gradation'. I remind everyone the deadline is May 07, 2023 at 20.00.

Remember to include your name(s) and group numbers when you submit your translations and answers to the questions!

And remember the next assignment will be posted here on May 08, 2023.

And, there definitely will be class on Tuesday May 09, 2023! During that time I will discuss the answers to the questions and do some other stuff.

Here is a link to the download page.

Here is another: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rs7pq0HR67BkQ61FhaQ2Hglz6FMR84SZrTDJEjDy1YM/edit#


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